23 Aug 2021
The IISL staff is back to work after our summer break, and our library and all other services are open again.
If you have emailed us in the past few weeks, we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!
23 Aug 2021
The IISL staff is back to work after our summer break, and our library and all other services are open again.
If you have emailed us in the past few weeks, we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!
23 Jul 2021
The IISL staff will begin their summer break on 23 July at 2:00 pm (CEST), and all IISL services will be resumed on 23 August. The library will be open again on that date.
Ulrike Schultz will present the book "Gender and careers in the legal academy"
24 May 2021
Ulrike Schultz will present the book Gender and careers in the legal academy (Oñati International Series in Law and Society, Hart Publishing), which she has edited together with Gisela Shaw, Margaret Thornton and Rosemary Auchmuty. The event will be hosted online on 9 June at 4:00 pm CET. The...
Enrollment for the 2021/22 Master's Programme is open
07 May 2021
The IISL is welcoming applications for the 2021/22 UPV/EHU's International Socio-Legal Master's Programme. The ordinary enrollment period ends on 14 May, next Friday.
The course list is available on the following link:...
"A Penologist in the Basque Country: Reminiscences by Johannes Feest"
03 May 2021
Prof. Johannes Feest (University of Bremen, Germany), Scientific Director of the IISL from 1995 to 1997, will give the next Institutional Memory Lecture organized by the IISL: A Penologist in the Basque Country: Reminiscences by Johannes Feest. It will be given on Zoom. As usual, attendance is...
Jacek Kurczewski is this year's Podgorecki prize winner
15 Apr 2021
The RCSL has awarded this year's Podgorecki Prize to Jacek Kurczewski, Professor Emeritus of the University of Warsaw, Scientific Director of the International Institute for the Sociology of Law 1997-98. This prize is for distinguished and outstanding lifetime achievements. This year's...
12 Apr 2021
Ulrike Schultz (Akad. Oberrätin, FernUniversität Hagen, Germany) will give the next talk in the IISL Institutional Memory Lecture series: "Breaking the Bowl: Integrating women's issues and gender questions into socio-legal teaching and research" (21st April, Wednesday, via Zoom). In it, Schultz...
Oñati Socio-Legal Series and Sortuz websites may be down
08 Apr 2021
Due to some technical improvements that we are implementing, the journals Oñati Socio-Legal Series and Sortuz may be down at times during these days until 12th April, Monday. We also request that you do not log in or try to sign up as a new user during this time. We are working to offer you the...
Call for Applications or Nominations as Scientific Director
26 Mar 2021
The IISL is issuing a call through the Research Committee for the Sociology of Law of the International Sociological Association for nominations for the position of Scientific Director of IISL. The 2-year term of the present Scientific Director (SD) at the IISL will end in August 2022 for a...
Bill Felstiner will offer a personal account: "Our man in Chad: Reflections of a fieldworker"
01 Mar 2021
Bill Felstiner, former Scientific Director of the IISL (1989-2000), will give the next talk in the IISL Institutional Memory talk series: a personal account titled "Our man in Chad: Reflections of a fieldworker...
Avenida Universidad 8 - Apartado 28
20560 Oñati (Gipuzkoa)
The Institute has received many generous individual donations for a number of years.