
The IISL will be closed until January

20 Dec 2019

The IISL staff will be on Christmas and New Year's holidays, therefore the Institute will be closed from 21 December to 7 January. If you email us during that time, we will respond to your query as soon as possible.

Oñatiko Udala Grant

19 Dec 2019

Call for Applications for the 2020 OÑATI UDALA GRANT


Alicia Summers will give a lecture on "Procedural Justice in Practice: Enhancing Parents’ Experience in the Child Welfare Court System with the Use of Parent Mentors"

13 Dec 2019

Alicia Summers (University of Nevada) will give a lecture to the IISL Master's students, on Procedural Justice in Practice: Enhancing Parents’ Experience in the Child Welfare Court System with the Use of Parent Mentors (Tuesday, 17 December, 11:15).

This lecture reflects on the...

Table of contents of issue 5.

The special issue of OSLS "Judging, Emotion and Emotion Work" is online

02 Dec 2019

The IISL has just published issue #5 of volume 9 of Oñati Socio-legal Series. This monograph is entitled "Judging, Emotion and Emotion Work", and has been edited...

Annette Lansink will give a lecture.

Annette Lansink will give a lecture about legal pluralism in the postcolony

27 Nov 2019

Professor Annette Lansink, who is a visiting scholar at the IISL these days, will give the lecture titled An Intercultural Dialogue: Reflections on Legal and Normative Pluralism in the Postcolony, today, 27 November, at 3:00pm. This lecture is aimed only at the Master's students.


Digital Family Justice (Maclean and Dijksterhuis, eds.)

New book in the Oñati International Series: "Digital Family Justice"

27 Nov 2019

Number 63 of the Oñati International Series in Law and Society is out and for sale. It is titled Digital Family Justice: From Alternative Dispute...

The Institute's newsletter is out!

12 Nov 2019

Newsletter #59 is online now with the latest news from the IISL. In this issue, you'll learn about the new master's students, the requisites to apply for a workshop in 2021, and the indexation of Oñati Socio-legal Series in Clarivate's Web of Science ESCI.


Cartel anunciador de la defensa de Marjorie Cavalli Renner.

Marjorie Cavalli Renner has defended her thesis at the IISL

22 Oct 2019

Marjorie Cavalli Renner, estudiante de máster del curso 2018/19, ha realizado la defensa oral de su tesina, titulada Mulher, ocupa a rua! Feminist artistic activism in Brazilian carnival culture: a case study on Não mexe comigo que eu não ando só...

Elkar Heziko ikasleak, liburutegian.

Elkar Hezi students visited the Institute

22 Oct 2019

Elkar Hezi ikastetxeko DBH 2. mailako ikasleek LSNE bisitatu zuten urriaren 18an, egubakoitza. Alde batetik, LSNE hobeto ezagutzea zen helburua, eta, horretarako, besteak beste, liburutegiaren bisita gidatua egin zuten. Bestetik, Welcome...
