The International Congress: a Global Success!
24 Jun 2019
The International Congress: a Global Success!
24 Jun 2019
Ikerbasque Group Leaders 2019 call
11 Jun 2019
Ikerbasque would like to inform you that they have launched a new international call to reinforce scientific research in the Basque Country. They offer:
10 positions for Group Leaders
New book: "Fundamental Rights and Legal Consequences of Criminal Conviction"
06 Jun 2019
Number 62 of the Oñati International Series in Law and Society (Bloomsbury-Hart) has just come out. It is "Fundamental Rights and Legal Consequences of Criminal...
Workshop on vindicative justice
06 May 2019
El próximo seminario del IISJ, titulado Vindicatory Justice: Revenge, Composition and Reconciliation in a Historical and Contemporary Socio-legal Perspective...
Climate Justice in the Anthropocene, in the centre of the next workshop
29 Apr 2019
El segundo seminario del Instituto Internacional de Sociología Jurídica de Oñati tendrá como tema central la denominada por científicos y estudiosos “era del Antropoceno”, la era actual, que se considera “dominada por el ser humano”. El workshop, titulado...
02 Apr 2019
Issue nº 1 -after a special issue last February, numbered "1S"- of Oñati Socio-legal Series has just been published, under the title "Collective bargaining as collective action: the Spanish case in perspective". It has been coordinated by Prof. Julia López, from Universitat Pompeu Fabra (...
Subscribers will now be informed of the new arrivals at the IISL library
20 Feb 2019
The IISL library continues to engross its copious funds. From now on, it will circulate a newsletter with information of the new arrivals. The summary will be sent to subscribers to the Institute's mailing service, and the 1st issue can be viewed here....
01 Feb 2019
Oñati Socio-legal Series just published the first issue of the year, a special monograph titled "Pornografía y prostitución en el orden patriarcal: perspectivas abolicionistas". It has been edited by Rosa Cobo (...
Our December newsletter is available online
18 Dec 2018
Our last newsletter of this year is already online, with a summary of all the main news concerning the Institute and announcements of important calls and deadlines, such as the 2020 workshops, the congresses that the Institute is helping to arrange, the new master's programme, and more.
Avenida Universidad 8 - Apartado 28
20560 Oñati (Gipuzkoa)
The Institute has received many generous individual donations for a number of years.