Ansolabehere, Karina

National Autonomous University of Mexico (Mexico)
Full-time tenured researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas of the UNAM. Her areas and topics of interest are: legal policy, human rights, legal mobilization, sociology of law, and political theory. She holds a degree in Sociology from the University of Buenos Aires, a Master's degree in Economic Sociology from the Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales of the Universidad Nacional de General San Martín, and a PhD in Social Science Research with a specialization in Political Science from the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales- Mexico City. She is a member of the National System of Researchers with Level III.
She has conducted research on the influence of the judiciary in political processes, and in recent years has developed research on the functioning of hierarchical relationships in the judiciary based on the differentiated monitoring of precedents and on the relationship between judicial powers and serious human rights violations.
She is currently a senior researcher at the Observatory on Disappearances and Impunity in Mexico. She has multiple publications, most recently Handbook of Law and Society in Latin America co-edited with Rachel Sieder and Tatiana Alfonso (Routledge, 2019) and The State and Human Rights: Mexico, Uruguay and Ecuador (2020) co-authored with Francisco Valdés and Luis Daniel Vázquez, and Disappearances in the Post-transition Era in Latin America (Oxford University Press, 2021) co-edited with Barbara Frey and Leigh Payne; "Judicial Powers Facing Themselves: The Case of the Mexican Federal Judiciary" (2022 Revista Dereito Publico); "Conceptualizing and Measuring Legal Culture: Evidence from a Survey of Mexican Federal Judges," (2022 Politics and Government) co-authored with Sandra Botero and Ezequiel González Ocantos; "Peripheral Institutions: The policy on disappearance in the Mexican state landscape" (2020 Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Penales) ; "From injustice to rights: moments in the construction of identity of human rights defenders. The case of Mexico"(2017 Revista de Estudios Sociológicos, ,), co-authored with Luis Daniel Vázquez.
The main courses taught in the last seven years are: Concept and Evolution of Human Rights, Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democracy, Universidad de General San Martín, Argentina; State, Society and Law, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, UNAM.2022-2; Thesis Seminar: Contemporary political processes for rights and justice. Political systems and demand for rights, Master's and Doctorate in Social Sciences, FLACSO-Mexico. January-March; Thesis Seminar 2021-1, Doctorate in Law, January-June, IIJ-UNAM; Corrientes del Pensamiento Jurídico III, Doctorate in Judicial Law, INFORAJ, Judicial Branch of Chihuahua; Master’s in human Rights and Democracy, Tutoring, FLACSO-Mexico. August-November. Law, Politics and Society in Comparative Perspective (elective), Master's and Doctorate in Social Sciences, FLACSO-Mexico (every two years); Politics and Law in Developing Democracies, Doctorate in Law, IIJ-UNAM (taught once).