Double degree in Sociology of Law and in Sustainable Development

Double degree in Sociology of Law and in Sustainable Development (University of Milan and UPV/EHU-Oñati IISL)

The signing of this important agreement between the IISL, the University of Milan, the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU), is the first step towards the establishment of equivalent agreements, currently under negotiation, with other universities in the European Higher Education Area, which can expand opportunities for our graduates in various specific areas of socio-legal studies, strengthening in addition our networks of academic cooperation and career development.

The completion of the double cycle is also particularly interesting for those students whose university degree of access (Bachelor or equivalent) to Graduate Studies corresponds to a 3 + 2 system, as it facilitates for them the amount of ECTS credits needed to access the Doctoral Programs in the European Higher Education Area.

From the academic year 2019/20, by spending a further year at the Master in Sustainable Development of the University of Milan, the students of the Oñati IISL Master's Programme are able to obtain a double degree in Sociology of Law and in Sustainable Development.

For further details see the page of the  Master in Sustainable Development   


For more information: 

Master Coordination Team

IISL Master Coordination Team
Avenida de la Universidad, 8
Apartado 28
20560 Oñati (Gipuzkoa) - Spain
T.: +34 943 78... Ver teléfono