Muñagorri, Rafael

Rafael Muñagorri is Professor at Nantes University since 2002.
He is member of Law and Social Change (Director 2015-2021). He has writen books and articles on law and social sciences, theories and sources of law, expertise, international, european and comparative labour law.
He is member of the editorial commitee of the journal Droit & Société, and of others journals, Cahiers Droit Sciences & Technologies, Considérant - Revue du droit imaginé. In addition
to his academic work, Rafael E. de Muñagorri has served as Associate Scientific Director for the French Ministery of Research.
He has been a visiting research scholar at the history of science Department of Harvard University. He has been invited and many
universities of South America (Argentina, Brazil Columbia). He is member of international and national networks in theory of law and legal philosophy (IVR, RCSL, SFPJ) and in labour law (Labour Law Research Network, Cielo Laboral).
Area(s) of expertise: Theory of law, Law and sciences, History of legal thought
Watch this video about Rafael's experience among us (in French):
Rafael Muñagorri Visiting scholar de Onati IISJ
During my one month stay as visiting scholar at the IISJ (and its wonderful staff:) I found a quiet and peaceful environment to get focus on my research. The library has been very valuable with direct access to a wide range of classics books on theory and sociology of law. Antia residence is a perfect place to stay and to share ideas and projects with students and colleagues coming from different countries. Oñati is a welcome and beautiful town where I could find everything an academic abroad need to survive: local culture, good food and beverage, outdoor and sports activities.