The International Institute for the Sociology of Law of Oñati (IISL) and the Carrino family have created the “Mariella Carrino Annual Program for the promotion of socio-legal research”.
Through this programme, in memory of Mariella Carrino and her post-published doctoral thesis work, her family wishes to promote scientific studies on social conflict, housing policy and housing rights, and thus facilitate the careers of young researchers interested in these subjects, by providing an annual financial contribution for this purpose.
See below the conditions for applying for the ‘Mariella Carrino grant – in memoriam’, or download them here. For 2025, the call ends on 5 March, at 03:00pm (CET).
Watch the video of Agostino Carrino, father of Mariella, presenting the grant:

Marije Mesonero
IISJ (Accounting and Quality)
Avenida de la Universidad, 8
Apartado 28
20560 Oñati (Gipuzkoa) - Spain
T: +34 943 78... Ver teléfono