Fifteen academics from Poland, Romania, Canada and the United Kingdom are having the workshop titled Social Ontology of Law in Legal Education, at the Oñati IISL, under the guidance of professors Michał Paździora (University of Wroclaw) and Michał Stambulski (University of Wroclaw).
According to both coordinators, "the preparation for legal practice not only requires some co-ordination between training centers with respect to the effectiveness, methods and utility of the training offered, in other words, some planning and designing of social roles of embodied by legal professions. Against this background we can observe two distinct educational profiles: that of a lawyer –academic (Academia) and that of a lawyer- practitioner (Practice). In our opinion there also is a third possibility: lawyers training constitutes a distinct hitherto unidentified and poorly researched element of legal discourse separate from academic knowledge and practice". The workshop aims to inspire and enhance discussion on legal education, to present of the basic problems of legal education against the background of political changes after 1989 and contemporary political challenges, and to elaborate institutional and doctrinal strategies, which lead to better understanding of social ontology of law.