Garcia Higuera, Ruben

Dr. García Higuera holds a PhD degree from Carlos III University (UC3M) of with the highest qualification (Excellent Cum Laude and extraordinary PhD award). His dissertation was titled "El círculo de la objetividad social: ontología, epistemología y Estado de Marx a Laclau" and was carried out under the supervision of Dr. Rafael Escudero Alday and Dr. María José Fariñas Dulce. For the completion of his doctoral thesis, the candidate was beneficiary of a Training of Research Staff contract (FPI) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Innovation, which allowed him to work in the area of Philosophy of Law within the Department of International Public Law, Ecclesiastical Law and Philosophy of Law at Carlos III University of Madrid and in the Research Group on Law and Justice, directed by Professor Dr. José María Sauca Cano.
His research interest are legal ontology/epistemology and theories of interpretation, judicial discretion, International Human Rights Courts and adjudication, freedom of expression and freedom of press and theories of democracy, pluralism and inclusion.
Curretly, he is a post-doctoral researcher on the Margarita Salas programme funded by the Spanish Ministry of Universities. His two-years research project is titled "Freedom of Speech on Inclusive Democracies: An Analysis of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and European Court of Human Rights decisions".
He has international experience, having been a visiting researcher at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra (10 weeks, 2017), at the University of Essex (13 weeks, 2021), at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (52 weeks, 2022) and at the University of Ghent (8 weeks, 2023), as well as a speaker at various international conferences. In addition, the researcher has attended specialisation courses in the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom.
Ámbitos de especialidad: Legal ontology/epistemology , freedom of expression, International Human Rights Courts and adjudication
La experiencia en el IISJ ha sido sumamente enriquecedora, desde el punto de vista académico y personal. En cuanto a lo primero, me gustaría destacar la amabilidad y el calor de su personal, desde el primer momento atentas para que el investigador pueda aprovechar el tiempo allí. La biblioteca cuenta con un gran fondo y es un espacio tranquilo para trabajar en el día a día. Cumple todas las expectativas que espera quien va a Oñati para aislarse y tener un sitio en el que progresar en su investigación. La residencia es una opción de alojamiento altamente recomendable, no sólo por sus instalaciones (no todos los días se vive en un palacio), sino porque permite el contacto con el resto de investigadores visitantes, estudiantes y profesores del máster. Desde el punto de vista puramente personal, el paso por Oñati te permite conocer un poco más la cultura vasca, su gastronomía y los maravillosos parajes naturales que rodean al pueblo. Se trata de una experiencia académica que recomendaría y que probablemente traté de realizar de nuevo. Agradezco mucho la atención durante mi paso por el instituto y fue un placer conoceos.