Johnson, Adrienne

Dr. Adrienne Johnson is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies at the University of San Francisco who received a PhD in geography from Clark University. She specializes in critical approaches to environmental governance and extraction, and contributes to anti-colonial and feminist reflections on the methods and methodologies of natural resource industries fieldwork. She has published in top journals such asWorld Development, Geoforum, Development and Change, and Journal of Rural Studies. Previously, Adrienne was a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada postdoctoral scholar at the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University.
She is currently a Research Fellow with the Earth System Governance Project (Utrecht University) and Board Member for the Conference of Latin American Geography. Her current project examines the spatialities of Tribal and federal legal systems in the Bakken region of the US, and specifically how the overlapping and contradictory 'patchwork' of jurisdictional authority and legal enforcement facilities gender-based violence against Indigenous women, particularly in areas in and around oil development and extraction.
Area(s) of expertise: environmental governance; resource extraction; feminist methods and methodologies; Indigenous legal geographies