23 Ira 2024 -tik 27 Ira 2024 -ra
Course in the Module "Socio-legal Research and Thesis Seminar" (1,5 ECTS)
The purpose of this course is to introduce basic notions about law, legal thinking, the legal order and its sources, the legal professions and legal cultures. Some of the major debates in Comparative law will be dealt with - comparability, adaptation, transplants, influences, convergence, transitions. At the end of the intensive course each student should be able to make a presentation about their own legal culture.
- Introduction: legal culture, legal positivism and the state
- The issue of Pluralism and Law; and Pluralism in Law
- Multiculturalism and Law
- Transnational Law and legal cultures
- Rights and Legal Culture
- The Judiciary and Judicial decision-making: an intercultural comparison
- The cultures of control and risk
- Europe and the EU as a laboratory for comparative legal cultures