Lund University (Sweden)
John Woodlock, is co-teacher of this course, is a PhD candidate at the Department of Sociology of Law, at Lund University, Sweden. He has a Master’s degree in Global Studies with a major in Sociology of Law. As part of his Master’s studies, John attended several courses at the IISL in Oñati during the 2015-2016 Masters programme. His PhD project focusses on European Union (EU) civil aviation and in particular, on the profession and professionalism of licensed aircraft maintenance engineers across Europe. His research explores, from a socio-legal perspective, the complexity and interplay between legal norms, safety and professional norms surrounding the regulation and work practices of civil aviation. His research critically engages with the concepts of risk, safety, human factors and legal accountability from the bottom up perspective of licensed aircraft maintenance engineers. John’s interest in the field of aviation stems from his having a long professional technical background in different sectors of aviation ranging from Search and Rescue operations to international commercial aviation (airline).
Apart from teaching on both undergraduate and postgraduate level courses given at the Department of Sociology of Law in Lund, John is both co-coordinator and teacher of the Master’s level course “Evaluation Research – Theories and Methods” at the Graduate School, Faculty of Social Sciences of Lund University. He has also given lectures on sociology of law at learning laboratories organised by the Division of Risk Management and Societal Safety at the Faculty of Engineering, LTH, at Lund University.