Protegemos tu privacidad / We protect your privacy

La presente Política de Privacidad tiene por objeto facilitar información sobre los derechos que te asisten en virtud del Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (RGPD) y aclarar la forma en la que tratamos tus datos personales.

Si tienes cualquier duda relativa al tratamiento de tus datos personales, o quieres ejercitar tus derechos puedes contactar con

Política de Privacidad

The aim of this Privacy Policy is to provide you with information about your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and clarify the way we process your personal data.

If you have any doubts concerning the processing of your personal data or wish to exercise your rights, you can contact us at

Privacy Policy

I authorize the IISL to process my personal data in accordance to the Privacy Policy and the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other regulations in force. If you have any queries regarding the processing of your personal data or, if you wish to exercise your rights please contact I have read and accept the Privacy Policy about Data Protection.
I give my express consent to my contact data being used for e-mail reception of information about the activities of the IISL. I can cancel my subscription at any time and I have the right to access my data whenever I request so, by writing an email to
I authorize the IISL to record or photograph my personal image and to include said images in the image archives of the IISL as well as any other work protected under copyright laws that I have carried out and handed in with the purpose of participating in the Institute’s activities, so they can be published on their website, virtual learning area, social media or similar pages, magazines, publications advertising the Institute and any other formats directly related to the IISL’s activities.

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