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The IISL Foundation is proud to announce that Issue nº3 of this year's volume is out. The special issue, titled Practices of Memorialization and the Process of Social Reconstruction, has been coordinated by Martin J.M. Hoondert (Tilburg University) and Gema Varona (University of the Basque Country), who also chaired the workshop where most of the original research works that were later shaped into these articles were presented. According to the issue editors,


It is with great sadness that we had known today the passing of Prof. Roberto Bergalli (1936-2020), outstanding voice of Latin American critical sociology of law, and former Scientific Director of the Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law (1993-1995).


Con gran tristeza hemos sabido hoy del fallecimiento del Profesor Roberto Bergalli (1936-2020), destacada voz de la sociología crítica del derecho latinoamericano, y Director Científico del Instituto Internacional de Sociología del Derecho de Oñati durante el periodo 1993-1995.

Seidel, Katrin

Katrin Seidel has been a research fellow in the Law & Anthropology Department of the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, a former postdoctoral fellow at Käte Hamburger Kolleg/Centre for Global Cooperation Research (2015/16), and was the Academic Coordinator of the ‘RSF Hub’ [Joint Network Rule of Law support] at Freie Universität Berlin, in collaboration with the German Federal Foreign Office (2017).

Morales, Myrta

Myrta Morales-Cruz teaches at Inter American University of Puerto Rico School of Law where she founded the Institute for Citizen Education and Participation in 2013 and is in charge of a clinical course affiliated to the Institute. She also teaches a course on Lawyers and Social Movements, Introduction to Law, and Legal Research, Analysis and Writing. Until August of 2017, she was the coordinator of the J.D. in English program that was launched in 2015 at Inter American.

Muravyeva, Marianna

Marianna Muravyeva is a Professor of Russian Law and Administration at the University of Helsinki. Her research is interdisciplinary bringing together history, social sciences and law to examine long-term trends and patterns in social development with a special focus on normativity, gender and violence. Some of her most recent projects focus on human rights of women and austerity, conservative jurisprudence, violence against women, and family violence (violence against parents and domestic violence).

Kondakov, Alexander

Alexander Sasha Kondakov, PhD, is assistant professor at the School of Sociology, University College Dublin, Ireland. He is also an editor for the Journal of Social Policy Studies published by the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia. Alexander studied sociology of law at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law in the Basque Country. Kondakov’s work is primarily focused on law and sexuality studies, more specifically on queer sexualities.

Lemke, Stefanie

Dr. Stefanie Lemke is a socio-legal scholar and senior legal adviser with the University of Oxford, the European Commission, the Council of Europe and the United Nations. Her fields of expertise are the promotion of human rights and the rule of law. In particular, she works on access to justice, judicial independence and capacity building, with an emphasis on Europe, Central Asia and Latin America.
