Sahin, Abdullah Musab

Istanbul Medipol University
10 Urr 2024 -tik 10 Urt 2025 -ra

In 2016, I graduated from Koç University, one of the leading law faculties in Turkey, with a high degree. Afterwards, I started working in the field of Legal History and Comparative Law at Istanbul Medipol University. Since 2016, I have been working as a faculty member at the same university's law faculty. I defended my PhD in November 2022.

In general, my field of study is public law in legal history. I enjoy comparatively analyzing developments in the field of Constitutional Law and Criminal Law. During my PhD studies, I visited SOAS, the American University of Beirut and the University of Jordan as a visiting researcher.

Area(s) of expertise: Legal History, Constitutional Developments In Levant Region, Legal System in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, Colonial Constitutionalism