Poster de la charla de Gema Varona.

La profesora Gema Varona, doctora investigadora permanente del Instituto Vasco de Criminología de la UPV/EHU, ofrecerá la charla titulada Justicia restaurativa: Reparación de violaciones graves de derechos humanos. ¿Es posible reparar el daño? La conferencia se enmarca en el programa de charlas de Derechos Humanos del IISJ, organizado con ayuda del Departamento de Igualdad, Justicia y Políticas Sociales del Gobierno Vasco.

Poster of Johannes Feest's talk.

Prof. Johannes Feest (University of Bremen, Germany), Scientific Director of the IISL from 1995 to 1997, will give the next Institutional Memory Lecture organized by the IISL: A Penologist in the Basque Country: Reminiscences by Johannes Feest. It will be given on Zoom.

Jacek Kurczewski.

The RCSL has awarded this year's Podgorecki Prize to Jacek Kurczewski, Professor Emeritus of the University of Warsaw,  Scientific Director of the International Institute for the Sociology of Law 1997-98. This prize is for distinguished and outstanding lifetime achievements. This year's Podgorecki Prize Committee was composed by Sharyn Roach-Anleu (chair), Germano Schwartz and Stefan Machura.

The RCSL will publish a personal portrait in their next Newsletter, in the second semester of the year.

University of Birmingham
Fecha de llegada: 
De Martes, Septiembre 14, 2021 hasta Viernes, Diciembre 17, 2021
Poster of Ulrike Schultz's talk.

Ulrike Schultz (Akad. Oberrätin, FernUniversität Hagen, Germany) will give the next talk in the IISL Institutional Memory Lecture series: "Breaking the Bowl: Integrating women's issues and gender questions into socio-legal teaching and research" (21st April, Wednesday, via Zoom). In it, Schultz will share her experience and her knowledge about the subject, and she will also speak about her connection with the Institute.
