"Leveraging AI in the Legal Field: Tools for Lawyers and Judges"

20 Feb 2024

On March 19, there will be a webinar about "Leveraging AI in the Legal Field: Tools for Lawyers and Judges".

The speakers will be Dota Szymborska (Poland) and Leopoldo Cruz Balbuena (Mexico). They have both studied in Oñati, both hold a PhD in Philosophy and Law, and both have a scientific interest in artificial intelligence.

More information: https://www.iisj.net/en/octalkleveraging-ai-legal-field-tools-lawyers-and-judges

If you want to attend this talk, please  complete this form: https://www.iisj.net/en/talks/o%C3%B1ati-community-talks/octalkoctalkleveraging-ai-legal-field-tools-lawyers-and-judges