Students of the Deusto Master in Human Rights Policy and Practice and MA in Euroculture visited the Institute and its library

16 Ots 2024

Students of the Deusto Master in Human Rights Policy and Practice and MA in Euroculture visited the Institute and its library. About 40 students of different ages and from a total of 27 countries gathered in Oñati with the studies coordinators Maite Sagasti and Philippa Mullins, where they were welcomed and given a guided tour of the Sancti Spiritus University and San Miguel parochial church. After that, they enjoyed a coffee break at the IISL, and Scientific Director Sabine Frerichs gave them a short talk about the IISL and its socio-legal library. We thank Maite Sagasti, Philippa Mullins, and Dolores Morondo, as well as the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the University of Deusto.