University of Freiburg
Fecha de llegada: 
Sunday, February 6, 2022 to Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Dolores Morondo, professor of the University of Deusto and of the IISL's Master's programme, will offer the online talk "The criminalisation of solidarity and human rights", within the Human Rights talk series, jointly organized by the IISL and the Basque Government. To enroll, email us at or fill in this form:


Matías Cordero Arce, professor and former student of the IISL, will give the online talk "The IISL: There and back again. A legal sociologist's journey through disciplinary and professional margins", the next installment in the IISL's Institutional Memory Lecture Series.


LSNEko lantaldea Gabonetako eta urte berriko oporretan izango da abenduaren 24tik urtarrilaren 3ra arte. Liburutegia itxita izango da eta Masterreko klaseak ere eten egingo dira bitarte horretan. Eguberri on eta urte berri on!


El equipo del IISJ disfrutará de sus vacaciones de Navidad y Año Nuevo desde el 24 de diciembre hasta el 3 de enero. La biblioteca estará cerrada y las clases del Máster del IISJ también cesarán durante ese período. Os deseamos una feliz Navidad y un próspero año nuevo.


The IISL staff will be on Christmas and New Year's break from 24 December to 3 January. The library will be closed and the Master's courses will be on hiatus until then, too. We wish you all merry Christmas and a happy new year!


Oñati Socio-Legal Series is out with the last issue of year 2021, a miscellany of individual articles received in the past months, which offer an overview of some of the most topical socio-legal research works. The issue (6S) comprises 17 articles written by authors from 14 countries, covering Europe, the Americas, and Asia. There are articles written in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
