
The IISL participate in the Global Meeting on Law & Society, which will take place in Lisbon (13-16 July). The conference will be held at ISCTE University Institute of Lisbon with organizational support from DINÂMIA’CET and CIES at ISCTE. It will be the 7th Global conference, which is held approximately every 5 years.


Description of the meeting

The seminar is an exploratory workshop between the Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law and the Iura Vasconiae Foundation. aiming to discuss the historical development of Basque law from the point of view of legal pluralism and the formation of a legal identity (legal consciousness, legal culture) but with a special interest in comparative European perspectives, comparing the evolution of Basque law with other cases of non-state legal systems in Europe.

Our experience in Oñati

Stockholm University
Fecha de llegada: 
Sunday, October 23, 2022 to Wednesday, November 16, 2022
