Viña Cruz, Sara

After graduation in Labor Relations and completing a Master's degree in Teacher Training, I decided to focus on research at the academic level, so I became a PhD student in the Department of Labor and Social Security Law. I'm working on my thesis about the right to digital disconnection at work, focusing on the current problems associated with the phenomenon of digital transformation in the workplace, which has caused a paradigm shift in the organization of labor relations, affecting not only the traditional recognition of basic labor rights, but also the emergence of new rights that modify them, such as the right to digital disconnection, all without forgetting the fact that this right must be approached from a gender perspective.
I'm currently research staff in training at the University of La Laguna.
Area(s) of expertise: Labor and Social Security Law, gender perspective, working time, right to rest, teleworking
Mi experiencia en el IISJ ha sido altamente satisfactoria. He podido desarrollar mi investigación en un espacio de trabajo inmejorable, pudiendo consultar una extensa bibliografia con relevantes publicaciones tanto nacionales como internacionales. La oportunidad de realizar una estancia de investigación en el Centro ha sido también valiosa a nivel personal, porque me ha permitido conocer a profesores de otras Universidades que me han aportado una visión de la vida y trabajo en la Universidad diferente. El personal del IISJ es exquisito, siempre amables y listos para ofrecer respuesta a cualquier cuestión que se necesite. Sin duda lo recomiendo y espero poder volver pronto.