Schultz, Ulrike

Ulrike Schultz is a lawyer and retired Senior Academic at the FernUniversität Hagen, specialised in questions of gender and law, the sociology of the legal professions, European law and didactics of law. She has taken part in and organised many international socio-legal projects, has been member of the International socio-legal group on the Comparative Studies of the Legal Profession since its inception in 1980, as chair of the group from 2010 to 2014, and as head of the Women/Gender in the Legal Profession subgroup since 1994.

York University
Fecha de llegada: 
Jeudi, avril 14, 2016 - Samedi, avril 23, 2016
Universidad Federal de Sao Carlos
Fecha de llegada: 
Dimanche, janvier 10, 2016 - Lundi, février 8, 2016
Escuela del Legislativo (ALMG)
Fecha de llegada: 
Samedi, janvier 16, 2016 - Samedi, janvier 23, 2016
Fecha de llegada: 
Mercredi, janvier 13, 2016 - Vendredi, janvier 15, 2016

Picciotto, Sol

Sol Picciotto is emeritus professor of Lancaster University and has been Scientific Director of the IISL 2009-11. He went to university in Oxford and Chicago, has taught at Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), Warwick and Lancaster (UK), and been a visiting fellow in Nagoya University and a Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute. He has written widely on theories of state, law and economic regulation, and his most recent book is Regulating Global Corporate Capitalism (2011). 
