Gatti, Carlo

Current position: salaried doctoral candidate (UTUGS programme)
As a PhD candidate at Turku University (Finland), I am conducting my doctoral research on the implementation of predictive policing in Europe and the interlocking role of private corporations involved therein. My background comprises a Master’s Degree in Law (Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza) from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, where I specialised in the antinomies of legal dogmatics about crimes of opinion and the defence of public order; and a Master´s Degree in Criminology and Sociology of Criminal Law from the University of Barcelona, where I deepened the linkage between austerity policies and repression techniques beyond traditional legal-formalist schemes. I am also a member of the Editorial Committee of the scientific journal ‘Crítica Penal y Poder’ issued by the Observatory of the Penal System and Human Rights (OSPDH) based at this latter University.
Area(s) of expertise: Critical Criminology; Sociology of penal control; Theory of the State; Theory of Police Power.
My stay at the IISJ library was the perfect escape from the academic routine and the diving into a unique dimension, where such a small village becomes the home of the largest socio-legal library I have ever seen, and the geographical peripherality turns into the central hub of past stories, anecdotes, biographies, and events which make generations of scholars converge across time around the same locale, overcoming physical and temporal barriers. Rather than reporting personalistic goals achieved during my stay, what I want to stress is the human enrichment, the wonderful people met and the spirit of constant mutual help and experience sharing with the master’s students, the professors, the other visitors and the IISJ staff.