Singapore Management University (Singapore)
Professor Findlay has held chairs in law, international criminal justice and criminology in Ireland, the UK, Hong Kong, Australia, Singapore and established the law school at the University of the South Pacific. He is the author of 27 books and over 150 articles and chapters. Mark has consulted for the UN, the World Bank and the ILO. Most recently he worked on issues of crime, corruption and culture in Papua New Guinea. Professor Findlay recently published ‘Law’s Regulatory Relevance; Property, power and market economies’ where in part he explores how a new generation of information access and digital communication is challenging conventional property rights protections. In addition, the text is concerned to see hoe globalization has facilitated through social media and the collapsing of time and space new possibilities for social dissent. His book ‘Contemporary Challenges in Global Governance’ asks whether mass mobile communication can ensure responsible message protection and the integrity of knowledge.