OC Manolo Calvo Award

The Oñati Community will award a special prize of 500 € (MANOLO CALVO PRIZE) to one of the Master’s Thesis defended and evaluated in the International Master’s Programme in Sociology of Law.

Prof. Manuel (Manolo) Calvo García (1956-2020) was Full Professor of Philosophy of Law and Sociology of Law at the University of Zaragoza, and Scientific Director of the Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law (2002-2003). He was the author of a relevant and very innovative scientific body of work, in which he combined the attention to general aspects of Theory of Law and Sociology of Law with applied research. On his death, members of the Oñati Community (OC) generously donated to keep his scientific legacy and the OC decided to set up a Committee to organise a special award carrying his name through the IISL.


Master 2023-2024

We are very pleased to announce that the 2024 MANOLO CALVO PRIZE has been awarded to Shavani Chetty, for her Master’s thesis defended and evaluated within the 2023-2024 Master’s Programme under the title  "Our Big (Rigged) Gig Economy: Examining the Effects of Regulatory Gaps and the Commodification of Labour in Online Tutoring within the Platform Economy.

Master 2022-2023

We are very pleased to announce that the 2023 MANOLO CALVO PRIZE has been awarded to Marixe Ruiz de Austri, for her Master’s thesis defended and evaluated within the 2022-2023 Master’s Programme under the title  " Is there anyone beyond capitalist social relations and abstract rights?  Analysing the IACtHR innovative jurisprudence regarding collective (cultural) rights and its transformative potential”.

In the words of the members of the tribunal composed of the professors Joxerramon Bengoetxea, Vincenzo Ferrari y Teresa Picontó-Novales,  “It is a very good thesis, well written and argued and with a very good handling of the sources. The thesis addresses issues of great interest at the crossroads between philosophy of law and sociology of law. For this purpose, it makes an empirical study (analysis of 8 relevant sentences) but with important theoretical contributions on the dynamics of human rights (collective property) in the context of global capitalism. It does not skimp on the delicate issue of collective rights, which the ECtHR has always avoided, and examines the dialogue between the LA and African systems, delving into the issue of transplants.”

Master 2021-2022

We are very pleased to announce that the 2022 MANOLO CALVO PRIZE has been awarded to Itziar Altuzarra, for her Master’s thesis defended and evaluated within the 2021-2022 Master’s Programme under the title  "Problematising Sexual consent in Spanish rape law: Gender Norms and the manifestation of Sexual will".


Para más información: 

Susana Arrese Murguzur

Master coordination
Avenida de la Universidad, 8
Apartado 28
20560 Oñati (Gipuzkoa) - Spain
T: +34 943 78... Ver teléfono

E: s.arrese@iisj.es