Linda Della Ragione.

Datorren azaroaren 29an, 11:00etan, EHUko Zuzenbide Fakultateko Batzar-aretoan, LSNEko master Linda Della Ragionek aurkeztutako doktorego-tesiaren defentsa-ekitaldia izango da. Tesiaren izena The Use and Abuse of the Female Body in Advertising. A comparative Analysis da eta zuzendaria Maggy Barrère doktorea izan da.  Epaimahaia osatuko dute Maggie Bullen, María José Fariñas eta Letizia Mancinik.

Linda Della Ragione 2013/14 ikasturtean ibili zen LSNEn.

Linda Della Ragione.

La egresada del máster del IISJ Linda Della Ragione defenderá el jueves, día 29, su tesis doctoral, titulada The Use and Abuse of the Female Body in Advertising. A comparative Analysis. Ha sido dirigida por la Dra. Maggy Barrère.

La defensa será en la Sala de Juntas de la Facultad de Derecho de la UPV, a las 11:00. Formarán el tribunal Maggie Bullen, María José Fariñas y Letizia Mancini.

Linda Della Ragione realizó el máster en Sociología Jurídica en el curso 2013/14.

Universidad de Externado
Fecha de llegada: 
Vendredi, mars 1, 2019 - Samedi, mars 30, 2019

Mancini, Letizia

Letizia Mancini is an Associated Professor at the Università Statale di Milano. Since 2002, she has been teaching the courses of Juridical Anthropology and Sociology of Law at the Faculty of Jurisprudence. She is a member of the Academic Board of the Università degli Studi di Milano, and a member of the Editorial board of the journal Sociologia del diritto, among others. Recent publications include “Prevenire, contrastare e punire le pratiche di mutilazione genitale femminile.

Parmentier, Stephan

Stephan Parmentier studied law, political science and sociology at the universities of Ghent and Leuven (Belgium) and sociology and conflict resolution at the Humphrey Institute for Public Affairs, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities (U.S.A.). He currently teaches sociology of crime, law, and human rights at the Faculty of Law of the University of Leuven, and since September 2017 serves as the Chairperson of the Interfaculty Council of Development Cooperation at the same university. 

Umaña, Camilo

Camilo Umaña is a law professor at the Externado University. He worked with the Colombian Truth Commission for over a year as an expert on access to justice and impunity. He has also been a consultant for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on transitional justice and the National Ombudsman on restorative justice. He is a founding member of the sociology of law research project on “Social Demands and the Law” of the Externado University.

Oñati's Youth Facing the Armed Conflict: Analysing the Discourses of the First Post-Conflict Generation

Editors: Samara Velte


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La profesora Sarah Blandy (Universidad de Sheffield) ofrecerá la charla titulada Property "from the ground up", este sábado, 24 de noviembre, en la residencia Antia, a las 09:30. Robert Home, de la Universidad Anglia Ruskin, comentará la charla, y también intervendrá Joxerramon Bengoetxea, de la EHU/UPV, presentando el centenario de Eusko Ikaskuntza. Después de la charla, habrá un debate.

La entrada es libre y gratuita y sólo se requiere la confirmación de la asistencia, por medio de un mensaje a Susana Arrese (


Professor Sarah Blandy (University of Sheffield) will give a presentation on Property "from the ground up", on Saturday, 24 November, at the Antia Residence, 09:30am. Robert Home, of the Anglia Ruskin University, will be the discussant, and Joxerramon Bengoetxea, of EHU/UPV, will present the Basque Society of Studies's 100th Anniversary. A discussion will follow.

Attendance is free, and a confirmation email to Susana Arrese ( is requested.
