
Front page of "El reto de la profundización democrática en Europa: avances institucionales en democracia directa"

Oñati Socio-legal Series analyzes direct democracy in Europe

15 Dec 2017

A new issue of the IISL's online journal, Oñati Socio-legal Series, is online on the journal's website. This is the first extraordinary number of the year, and it delves into the notion and current experiences of direct democracy....

OSLS issue 7 (4), "Too few judges? Regulating the Number of Judges in Society" is online

01 Dec 2017

A new issue of the IISL's online journal, Oñati Socio-legal Series, is online as of 1 December. The socio-legal quarterly offers a monographic entitled "Too few judges? Regulating the Number of Judges in Society", which is a result of the...

Newsletter no. 52 is available

16 Nov 2017

Newsletter no. 52 is out and available on our website. As usual, it opens with a letter from our scientific director, Prof. Vincenzo Ferrari, and it goes on to summarize what's most...

Prof. Gordon Woodman. © University of Birmingham

Gordon Woodman, in memoriam

09 Nov 2017

We are deeply saddened by the death, on 24 October, of Gordon Woodman, professor of law at Birmingham University. Prof. Woodman, among other things, was an expert on law in Africa, especially in Ghana, and on the legal situation of Africans in the UK....

How to apply to a PhD

How to apply to a PhD?

31 Oct 2017

How to apply for a PhD?

The International Institute of Sociology of Law invites you to an informal discussion on how to apply for a PhD.

The discussion will cover:

  • why do a PhD?
  • where and how to apply?
  • what are...

Angela Melville.

Se abre el plazo de inscripción para un seminario gratuito sobre entrevistas

27 Oct 2017

El Instituto Internacional de Sociología Jurídica de Oñati abrirá sus puertas para todas las personas interesadas con ocasión de una clase magistral de excepción, a cargo de la profesora Angela Melville (Flinders University, Australia), que ofrecerá un seminario práctico de dos horas sobre la...

“Pakistani Immigration and Integration in the Basque Country: A Case Study of Oñati”

18 Sep 2017

Patara Mckeen’s research examines the social, economic, and political factors influencing Oñati’s policy toward Pakistani immigrants. What must be understood is that Oñati is a truly unique locale in the Basque Country; a place livened by its passionate communities, linked together through a...

Participantes en la bilkura Lawyers in 21st Century Society.

Over 30 experts in law and advocacy meet at the Institute

12 Sep 2017

More than 30 experts from all over the world have met at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law, in a Bilkura (meeting) with the title Lawyers in 21st Century Society. The Bilkura is chaired by Ulrike Schultz (FernUniversität, Hagen), Ole Hammerslev (University of Southern Denmark...
