The presentation of the Oñatiko Udala Grant-winning works drew many locals

26 Sep 2018

Many local people attended last evening's presentation of this year's Oñatiko Udala Grant-winning works: Mujeres de 65: Un estudio sobre las mujeres retiradas y su contribución a la identidad, cultura, sociedad y economía de Oñati, by Leopoldo Cruz Balbuena, and Oñati's youth facing the armed conflict: analysing the discourses of the first post-conflict generation by Samara Velte.

The grant is the product of joined efforts by the Institute and the Oñati town hall. Both institutions were represented by Noe Cornago, scientific director of the Institute, and the councilors Nerea Zubia and Amaia Erostarbe.

Amaia Erostarbe, Nerea Zubia, Leopoldo Cruz, Samara Velte, Susana Arrese, Noé Cornago y Joxerramon Bengoetxea.

Among the local attendees were many senior women, whom Cruz Balbuena's project is aimed at. There were many master students and former students as well. The event attracted some local media too.

La presentación contó con la asistencia de muchos oñatiarras.

Each awardee gave a presentation with his or her work's main points and conclusions. Both works will be published in due course.

Momento de la presentación de Leopoldo Cruz.

Samara Velte presenta su investigación.